Charisse Charles L.M.T.
Professional Massage Therapy

"Relax, Release, Revive"

Welcome! Thank you for visiting. Since you are here let me tell you a bit about Relaxed Elements.

Our practice is structured to really help you maintain the everyday riggers of life. With work, kids, school, any other daily grinds we endure. Massage helps to Revive the mind, body and spirit to keep us going

I am trained in a variety of modalities, to help facilitate releasing stress factors that affect our body's well being. Massage helps to lower blood pressure, improve circulation helps and boost the immune system, and massage releases endorphins that actually help with reducing pain.

Massage is a passion for me. Since the body is ever changing there is always something to learn, so with that desire to learn I promise that I will continue to incorporate the new techniques and applications that help improve your health, relaxation and wellbeing for many a day to come.   

Come check out the different services that we have to offer, like Swedish massage, Hot Stone massage, Trigger point therapy, Gua sha massage and cupping.


Thanks for visiting, and have a great day.

Book today!